Book an Inspection
We Service Kamloops, Shuswap, North Thompson, Cariboo, Nicola Valley, Okanagan and surrounding areas.
Your time and client experience is important to us. We offer our services 7 days a week and will do what it takes to get the job done for you with good old fashioned service for a "straight up" price. We promise no additional fees at the time of Inspection.
When scheduling an Inspection anticipate a 72 hour notice ahead of your anticipated date of inspection. However, no matter the situation we will try to make it happen for you.
Please have the following information readily available:
- Building Type(eg. Detached,Townhouse,Condominium,Modular/Mobile Home)
- Type of Inspection(pre-listing,pre-purchase,etc.)
- Age of home(year it was built or manufactured)
- Approx. size of the home(in square feet)
- Address/location
- MLS#(if applicable)
- does the property have a detached Garage/Carport
- your contact information along with your Real estate Professional(if applicable)
- is there any specific area(s) of concern for us to pay special attention to for you.
CaLL/TEXT 250 682 1179
Or complete the form below: